In Denmark, we started 2021 deep in lockdown. Things gradually improved early summer until we got an almost normal life back in December. This year was my last PhD year where I also submited my thesis (still need to defend). After reviewing the goals I can sum it up as lots of red.


  1. Physical exercises: I kept doing regular workouts, specially runs but also bike rides and swims. This year I did my personal best times in semi-official races. I did 5km in 21min (we won the rely), and a half marathon in 1h 47min. Currently all my runs finish in a sub 5min/km avgerage pace. Quite happy about that.
  2. Yoga and stretching: Failed. I tought I would continue going regularly, but in the end I felt lazy every time.
  3. Meditation: I wanted to, but I never really started…
  4. Books: I believe I read a lot, not books. Also, I did not follow the reading rutine I had in mind.
  5. Reduce social media and time-wasting websites: I successfully managed. I’ll try to maintain this level.
  6. Travel: I didn’t and corona didn’t make it easy. However, that is an excuse, potentially I could have visited some european countries without much hassle.


  1. Finish my PhD: Technically I didn’t finish, I’ve only submitted my thesis. But after reading last year’s resolutions that was actually the goal.
  2. Secure my post-PhD position: I did got a job, Sydney (Australia). I can’t complain on this regard, I seems to have everything I desire about it.
  3. Mushrooms: I had everything I faled in the substrate preparation. I never got into preparing it.
  4. Batteries: Nothing on this either. Cool idea, not executed.
  5. Start a company: I had a failed start. Did some things but got demotivated rather fast.
  6. Investments: In the end I will buy stocks which provide me less of a hassle.


  1. Get a 6 pack: I managed! During lockdown it was easier to control my meals and do 30min of abs exercises required. Quite happy about it. Right now I gained some weight but I could probably work it out again much faster.
  2. Declutter: I didn’t really do it, I should work on it more profusely and probably regularly.
  3. Quit alcohol alltogether: I failed at 0% alcohol intake, but it went down substantially from my little consumption. I think I’ll keep this level.
  4. Keep more regular schedules: I managed, again in lockdown it is easier. I also think it made me sleep longer hours.
  5. Publish here monthly: Achieved. I didn’t have the mental energy to do the work while also writing my thesis and papers. Hopefully after submitting I did a short sprint to reach the minimum.
  6. Arguing more often: I don’t think I did. However, I think I payed more attention to the arguments and the way others phrase and discuss ideas.

Overall I think that with the excuse of the PhD I did not achieve much of anything else.